Massimo Moraglio (T.U. Berlin). Seminario ‘Mobility Turn’. Nuovi strumenti storiografici dalla preistoria alla modernità.

Looking to “peripheral” and forgotten mobilities is not only important for reconstructing our memory, but can also offer tools to build socially and environmentally sustainable transport regimes. A mere innovation-prone debate today creates the (social and environmental) failures of tomorrow. We thus should consider that peripheral mobilities could better address the issue of socially and environmentally sustainable transports systems. In this vein, this project targets alternative Mobilities, which can indeed be a driving force for the development of local areas, including its tourism appeal.

More in detail, the proponent of this exchange aims to offer tool to better frame the past, present and future of transport policies, and thus understand how new transport systems can be the driving force for developing alternative and sustainable oriented actions toward local focused economic and touristic futures. The academic exchange will focus on:

  • Offer a 20 hours Seminar on the topic of “Sustainable Mobility: lessons from History”, which will be teach in Italian or in English, according to the University wish.
  • Develop further a research on the concept of social significance of transport means along the 20th century.
  • Implement future engagement of the hosting university in the international context. This can be achieved through co-authored papers, co-writing of (EU and DE-IT) grant proposal and reciprocal invitations.

Questo il calendario delle lezioni:

21 Maggio 2019 – 13:30-16:30 (Aula Appia)

Concetti chiave, significati e critiche del Mobility Turn

22 Maggio 2019 – 10-13 (Aula Appia)

Archeologia dei movimenti: ripensare la stanzialità

28 Maggio 2019 – 13:30-16:30 (Aula Appia)

Affinità elettive tra modernità e mobilità

29 Maggio 2019 – 10-13 (Aula Appia)

Usare la storia per costruire il futuro dei trasporti 



Ingold 2004

Leary Kador 2016

Rammler 2008

sheller urry 2006

Lezione 1. Vanvitelli

Lezione 2. Vanvitelli

Lezione 3. Vanvitelli

Lezione 4. Vanvitelli

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